Happy Thanksgiving!
I love Thanksgiving and this time of year, but I can't believe that it is already time for the holidays. It feels like only a week ago we were putting away the tree and now it is time to put it back up. Time is moving way too fast! Today was a great, full of lots of turkey and yummy food. I started the day off at work, which honestly wasn't too bad. I only had to be there for four hours and I enjoyed seeing my residents. The majority of the residents were gone, but it made me sad to see the ones left behind with no family there to spend this special day with. My heart goes out to them. After work lunch was immediately ready- it was so GOOD. Mashed potatoes are my favorite and I'm pretty sure I ate about two plates full. Needless to say I ate till I was full and gained about 12 pounds. Hey tis the season right.
This day made me reflect on what I am thankful for and although the list could go on for years, because I have much to be grateful for, here are a few things I am most thankful for ON THIS DAY OF THANKS.
my AMAZING parents and WONDERFUL siblings
my home
my bed
a heater
my phone
my computer
..electronics in general
my health
a working body
two legs to walk on
the ability to smile
my sight
my ears
all of my five senses
ways to communicate
my car
[ I know i already mentioned friends, but she needs to be mentioned specifically because she is such an amazing friend. She is always there for me no matter what and I don't know what I would do with out her in my life.]
my job
[even though I complain about school I am so grateful that I can attend school and learn]
my pups
past relationships- regrets and all
fuzzy socks
and all of the knowledge that it bring with it
my freedom
freedom to choose and freedom of speech
living in UTAH
living in a FREE nation
the ability to read
health care
the mountains
my father's job and his ability to provide for his family
the seasons
candy/ treats
[he has had such an impact on my life and has helped me realized a lot while we have been together. He makes me smile at least 46 times a day! Everyday I look forward to seeing him and what the day brings for the both of us. I am super lucky to be with him]
I am sure my list could go on and on and I probably left out so many obvious things I am thankful for, but I think I should wrap this one up now. I truly am so grateful for all of the many wonderful blessings I have been given in my life. My mind is blown every time I think of how much our dear LORD has blessed me with. Even when I do stupid things and make multiple mistakes he still forgives me and blesses me immensely. I cannot be thankful enough.
I hope everyone had a beautiful holiday because I know I sure did. Wishing you the best!